Creativity International Awards 2021: 5 Admind projects awarded

Author: Szymon Dyrlaga

5 min read

Creativity International Awards 2021: 5 Admind projects awarded

When we received as many as 5 awards at the Creativity International Awards last year, we knew it was a huge success that would be hard to repeat. And yet we managed to do it again! This year we even exceeded our success, as for the first time ever we have received Platinum awards.

Platinum Award 

Two of our projects have received the Platinum rank award! These were Wayfinding in Admind (Environmental Graphics category) and animation for Creative Labs – Cities of innovation (Animated Film category).

The wayfinding system in our headquarters in Krakow was designed by us to serve our employees. It was an opportunity to bring the elements of our brand identity to the space where we work every day. Admind’s brand, with its minimalist colors and the “underscore” motif, offers the perfect elements for defining a clean and inspiring space where communication and innovation are welcome.

Cities of Innovation is a project that has already received many awards. When working on that project, our challenge was to create a corporate image that would reflect Creative Labs’ character, identity, and innovative approach, as represented by CL offices in three different European cities. We wanted to capture the colour palette, the architectural style, culture, and sounds of each city, along with the spirit of its history and residents. See the result below. You can also read the case study.

Gold Award 

We have won Gold Award for the NewIntimacyHour project in the Ambient Media category. #NewIntimacyHour was a series of daily, hour-long online events. They were held by us during Dutch Design Week 2020. Each event was dedicated to a different emotion: Love, Fear, Anger, Mischief, and Hope. During the video call event, participants overlayed their faces with augmented reality filters. We designed them to reflect their evening’s emotions. Each session was guided by a social sciences expert. This project which evolves around the idea of emotional branding has also won a Golden Pin Award 2021 among others.

Silver Award 

Another two of our projects have received the Silver rank award. The ABB Landscapes (Online Presentation category) was a response to our client’s need to communicate complex solutions with absolute clarity. To assist them in this process, Admind created a new landscapes system that has enabled ABB creators to establish interactive worlds, introduce themes, and lead narratives in an easy way. The new layered landscapes system allows ABB to demonstrate advanced solutions through carefully constructed grids, 3D objects, and focus areas that create accurate and aesthetically pleasing representations of ABB technology in action.

Foundation For Future program is a part of Shell Global Energy’s commitment to future generations. Accessible to over 150,000 people internally, the foundation provides a way for employees to contribute to sustainability goals and communities around the world. The design challenge was to create a visual language for the program that would support the required changes in the eyes of the users, create a positive experience, and communicate key ideas clearly. In a nutshell, the Admind team focused on the need to create a feeling of pride and participation for the attendees. This feeling was expressed by a graphic illustration of two people interacting cooperatively with the key icons designed to express the brand values and goals of the program.

Creativity International Design Awards

Since 1970 Creativity International Design Awards has been in the business of awarding great graphic design from both well established and up-and-coming graphic designers. This independent advertising and design competition based in the USA is for both professionals and beginners in the design industry. We are honoured to already have 10 of these awards on the shelf. And this is not our last word.

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