The Golden Pin Design Awards 2021 are ours

Author: Szymon Dyrlaga

4 min read

The Golden Pin Design Awards 2021 are ours

In 2021, we submitted our projects to The Golden Pin Design Awards 2021 – two of them were awarded. We are happy we have received the status of the certified Secondary Selection winner! However, this is not the end. We advanced into the Final Selection and still have chances for the main award – Best Design.

“Branding goes Agile” honored in The Golden Pin Design Awards 2021

The first of the awarded projects in the Golden Pin Design Awards 2021 is “Branding goes Agile in Admind”. We created the project to express and share our unique methodology with clients, employees, and other creative professionals. With bright and engaging animation, we draw our viewers into a story about a creative team working productively with a version of the Agile framework in Admind, that we tailored to suit their specific needs. It turned out, this custom Agile methodology has helped Admind to grow into the largest and most successful branding agency in Poland. We’re happy to have the opportunity to share our experience with others. You can watch the animation and check out its case study on Behance profile. 

New Intimacy Hour was honored in The Golden Pin Design Awards 2021

The second project honored by The Golden Pin Design Awards is #Newintimacyhour. It’s a series of daily, hour-long online events that we conducted as part of Dutch Design Week 2020. The event aimed at exploring people’s deepest fears, hopes, and desires. Each evening we dedicated ourselves to a different emotion: Love, Fear, Anger, Mischief, and Hope. During the video call, participants overlayed their faces with an augmented reality filter. We designed them to reflect their evening’s personality. Social sciences expert guided each session. The results not only changed our views on digital interaction but also gave us insight into the future of identity online and emotional branding.

What is The Golden Pin Design Award?

The Golden Pin Design Award was established in 1981 in Taiwan. Since then, it has become one of the most prestigious awards in the design world. It’s enough to say that this year’s edition saw a total of 2,706 outstanding entries from 17 different countries and regions around the globe: Taiwan, China, HK, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Poland, USA, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

In conclusion, we can say that hard and creative work pays off. Receiving an award in such a prestigious competition as The Golden Pin Design Awards motivates us to further efforts and we are sure that our trophy cabinet will continue to fill up.

Make sure to also read about our success at the Creativity International Awards.

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