Culture Book: The Story of Admind

Author: Monika Michno

3 min read

Culture Book: The Story of Admind

Admind Culture Book is a special publication in which we reveal our company’s identity, values, and organizational culture. It’s a story of Admind and its people, for themselves and for future candidates who wish to join our team.

The Story of Admind

We started from scratch in 2010, and we can proudly call ourselves the largest branding agency in Poland today. We wouldn’t have done it without our amazing team, who helps us achieve our goals every day and whose work you can witness in our Culture Book. Last but not least, we would like to thank our employees for their contribution to our success in the past, in the present, and in the future!

The story of Admind is basically a story of friendship, one that we’ve built in parallel to our company. It is a story of all of us. Our relationships, adventures, the effort and faith we put in everything we do. It is our deeply held belief that the time we spend in Admind has its own significance, both professionally and personally.

10 years of friendship

For the last 10 years, we have been creating an organization where cooperation, kindness, accountability, trust, satisfac­tion, and adventure are the key elements of our daily operations. These values not only define who we are but also help us grow as human beings as well as profes­sionals every single day.

Every opportunity to share our knowledge, experience, and creativity with our partners in­spires us to search beyond what we already know, to take on new responsibilities and grow. By learning from each other, we build a lasting value serving the benefit of all.

Team Admind

Admind is a dynamic environ­ment, humming with fascinat­ing activity and infused with our collective human warmth, to which everyone contributes. Just thinking about everything we experienced boggles our minds. What energizes us even more is the future to come.

When times get rough, let’s be near each other, let’s talk, figure things out. We’ve already solved so many problems together, al­ways cultivating an atmosphere of openness and understanding. A huge shout-out is due: we’re grateful to all of you for being who you are. Every day we work hard to make our plans and dreams a reality. What’s even more important, we believe that once we get together, nothing can stop us from realizing our full potential.

story of admind

Awards, Prizes & Design Contests

It’s nice when your work is appre­ciated not only by your colleagues from Admind, but also by customers around the world. Therefore, in 2020, we started the process of sending our most interesting projects to the most famous and prestigious design com­petitions. Already in the first year we received 9 awards from Red Dot, the Creativity International Awards, and the Polish „Kreatura”. It is a great honor and another rea­son to be proud of all the people involved in these projects. We are sure that more awards are ahead of us. Everything is in our hands, our heads and our hearts.

By learning from each other, we build lasting brand values serving the benefit of all. That’s why we created Admind’s Culture Book.

Want to get inspired? Download the Admind Culture Book.

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