Admind_Talks: Interview with Iza Czyż, Admind’s Brand Portal Expert

22 min read

Admind_Talks: Interview with Iza Czyż, Admind’s Brand Portal Expert

As the coordinator responsible for end-to-end implementation and maintenance of Brand Portal solutions at Admind, what specific skills and experience are essential to craft customized solutions that cater to the unique requirements of different customers?

First of all, catching the bigger picture is the most important factor. As Brand Portal creation is often the last step in the rebranding process for big companies, I need to be able to understand the whole context, recognize patterns, and connect the dots to foresee the consequences and align with the future brand strategy of our customers.

There is a very wide range of skills that help us to propose and deliver solutions tailored to our customer’s needs. Project management skills are required to develop effective communication not only internally across our different teams, but also with the client’s dedicated team. Also, combining design, user experience, and technical knowledge is a quite challenging skill that allows us to offer the best solution. Finally, we rely on our research experience and general knowledge about the brand and trends to propose the best software the client can work with us.

Considering the specific needs of small and medium-sized companies, do you believe Brand Portals can provide valuable benefits and remain affordable for businesses of this size?

As we estimated, the creation of brand guidelines in PDF could cost a similar amount to implementing simple brand guidelines online on a dedicated page. However, we understand the importance of affordability for smaller companies or brands. That’s why we also specialize in configuring simple, yet powerful tools that maximize usability and benefits for businesses of all sizes.

Our straightforward solutions come with fundamental, but scalable features such as asset filters and sorting, files versioning, and secure sharing. These features prove to be valuable from the outset, and as your company grows, they will become even more beneficial for all teams and brand management. Rest assured, our solutions are designed to be budget-friendly while providing the essential tools for effective brand management.

Check out our Brand Portal solution– a secure hub for brand and products assets for your employees, partners and media.

What steps should the company take to initiate the preparation for this process?

Brand Portal implementation can be a complex and challenging process, especially if the company lacks adequate preparation and understanding of the subject. In addition to software expertise and process comprehension, it is crucial to analyze the company’s internal workflows, current storage tools, and overall information architecture.

To ensure a smoother implementation, we highly recommend reviewing our comprehensive Brand Portal implementation kit. This kit provides valuable insights and guidelines on how to effectively prepare for the Brand Portal integration. As Admind, we offer expert services in Brand Portal creation and full support throughout the entire implementation journey. This includes guiding you through the preparation stage, helping you choose the most suitable solution, seamlessly migrating content, and providing ongoing long-term maintenance.

Regardless of your company’s size – whether it’s a small business, medium-sized enterprise, or a large corporation – you can confidently rely on our expertise. By following our recommendations, your company can successfully deploy the Brand Portal, empowering you to enhance brand management and streamline information organization effectively.

Read also our article about implementing Frontify in your business.

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