How to create a successful graphic designer portfolio? All you need to know

22 min read

How to create a successful graphic designer portfolio? All you need to know

You could be the best designer in the world, but if your portfolio doesn’t showcase it, no one will believe you. This quick guide is here to assist you in presenting your work in a way that will make your skills hard to deny

1. What kind of graphic design projects you should put in your portfolio?

Probably the most important things in your portfolio – actual projects. It might be tempting to share your full scope of work, but be wise – choose between 5 to 10 projects that best fit the profile of the agency to which you are applying. Carefully consider which projects truly represent your skills and experience. Be critical of your designs, asking whether they add value and whether they reflect your skills. Remove elements that are not meaningful or do not fit with your intention. It’s better to show your best work!

2. Important elements of a good graphic design portfolio.

There is another important step when applying with a portfolio designed for a branding agency – show us what you think. When sharing your work, focus on how you came up with ideas and what each project was supposed to mean. Describe the process of creating the project, highlight the genesis of the idea, the purpose of the project, the reason behind the choices, and client satisfaction. For each project, you can state: the scope of work, time of completion, project recipient, whether the project was implemented, and whether it was an individual or team project. Recruiters are most interested in understanding not only if the project looks good but especially HOW you created it.

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3. What is the optimal file format for a portfolio?

Last, but not least thing is how you actually will show your work. This might be one of the most overlooked steps, but is almost equally important. An optimal portfolio is a PDF file (make sure it’s not too big of a size). Avoid uploading loose drafts large attachments, and external drives. Don’t necessarily choose a video form if you are not comfortable with it. You can also create a simple website or show your portfolio on Behance or other platforms. Make sure everything displays correctly. Focus on elements that will stay in the recruiter’s mind and relate to the agency. Make sure the portfolio is clear, well-organized and free of errors.

When you’re making your portfolio, put yourself in the role of the boss hiring new people. Pick projects that show off what you’re good at and match the company you want to work for. Show that you’re good at following steps and you can adjust to meet what the client wants. Doing this will help you do well in getting the job. Good luck!

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