“Our financial situation helps us contribute more towards ESG” Interview with our CEO Mateusz Zabierowski

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“Our financial situation helps us contribute more towards ESG” Interview with our CEO Mateusz Zabierowski

Discover the insights from our CEO, Mateusz Zabierowski, in his interview with Mamstartup.pl, where he reveals the percentage of Admind’s profits allocated to social impact activities and the significance of B Corp certification in the agency’s day-to-day operations.

What sustainable development actions does Admind undertake?

Mateusz Zabierowski: We believe in sustainable development because it stems from Admind’s brand values. We allocate 1% of our revenue to Social Impact-related activities. We publicly disclose financial and in-kind contributions to charitable organizations or groups in need of support. We have formal and regular processes for gathering information from stakeholders. Company shares are publicly available. Our services help our clients build a community based on shared values to increase their impact on the environment and society. We monitor customer satisfaction and share it both internally and publicly. We conducted a gender, race/ethnicity, or other demographic-based pay equity analysis and implemented pay equity plans or policies. +50% of our managers identify as women. We provide parents with convenient working conditions (greater flexibility, additional days off). We offer employees various health benefits, including life insurance, private additional health insurance, extending health benefits to spouses and children, access to local medical services, psychological care, and more.

Was the B Corp certification process challenging for you? Did anything pose difficulties?

In our case, the B Corp certification took about 2 years. As you know, the B Assessment consists of over 200 detailed questions, and we also received some additional questions to confirm our responses. The certification is a confirmation that Admind has undergone a rigorous assessment process and meets the highest standards in terms of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. We will continue to strive to raise our standards in every area that makes us sustainable. The certification means that we are formally committed to serving the best interests of people and our planet in the long term. It relates to many ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) topics and demonstrates that we adhere to strict principles of being a sustainable company. It has opened a new chapter in Admind’s history, is a reason to be proud, and another one to continue the path we have taken towards conscious improvements in what we do, how we do it, and with whom.

What other actions will you work on to gain more points during recertification?

We have set new goals that include ensuring that our operations enable the realization of our mission, ethics, and vision in the context of a more democratic system; actively considering all stakeholders – people, the planet, customers, partners, etc. – in all decisions; employee actions focused on social and environmental issues; assessing our impact on customers, society, and the environment; increasing accessibility for underprivileged groups; updating sustainable practices for Admind offices, or focusing on our philanthropic actions and engagement.

Why do you need B Corp certification, and what inspired you to obtain it?

First and foremost, it is a commitment. But one that we believe in and carry out with satisfaction. The B Corp movement is an ideal environment for companies to go beyond corporate conventions, join others who want to do good and benefit as part of a community that advances the world for the greater good. We don’t treat the B Corp certification as a trophy or an opportunity to gain extra publicity or build a socially responsible company image. For us, it is rather a confirmation of the path we have been following for 13 years, since the beginning of Admind, and the values we believe in, such as kindness, trust, partnership, collaboration, and adventure. As a B Corp, we have a unique position to drive social change, innovation, and transformation.

At the same time, what we do – branding – provides an excellent opportunity to transform companies and institutions in line with sustainable development principles. Our work involves designing brand identity, so we have direct access and the ability to create values that the brand will follow.

We sought inspiration primarily in our values, who we are as a company. What has guided us throughout the many years of our development. We want to have, and we believe we do have, a positive impact on the world around us, and being a part of the B Corp family only strengthens our idea and gives us the opportunity to compare our impact with what other conscious companies are doing.

What changed in your company after obtaining the certification?

Our thinking has changed. When making decisions regarding our employees, customers, or offices, we look at them with a long-term perspective to maintain the highest social and environmental standards. By obtaining the B Corp Certification, we have committed to transparency in our actions and continuous improvement.

It was an examination for us. An examination of turning ideas into practice. Measurable, data-driven, and comparable with others. The certification gives a concrete result. A result that we can improve and refer to at any time.

Is it possible to simultaneously pursue ESG goals and increase a company’s profits? Isn’t this contradictory?

Both goals are entirely compatible for us. Achieving ESG goals is like multiplying our social capital, and financial profits allow us to have a greater impact on ESG. The two go hand in hand and are a natural strategy for us.

On the other side of B Corp, there is greenwashing. Do you have any ideas on how to solve this problem in the world?

It seems to me that this problem will be solved soon – at least in countries belonging to the European Union. As you know, the European Parliament has approved new standards for sustainable development reporting. According to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies will be required to prepare reports on sustainable development.

I believe that through these reports, consumers will be able to see whether a particular organization talks the talk or walks the walk. In other words, the report will show how exactly a company approaches sustainable development and where it needs to improve. This is particularly important as it directly shows where a company stands and how it performs in key sustainability areas.

Link to the interview (in Polish): https://mamstartup.pl/zyski-finansowe-pozwalaja-nam-miec-wiekszy-wplyw-na-esg-mateusz-zabierowski-admind/

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