Admind_Talks: Interview with Paulina Kuczyńska, Working on the award-winning presentation template

Authors: Szymon Dyrlaga, Paulina Kuczyńska

4 min read

Admind_Talks: Interview with Paulina Kuczyńska, Working on the award-winning presentation template

We recently reported that Admind received two statues in the Transform Awards 2023. One of the winning projects was the development of a new presentation template for the ABB group. This project received an award in the Best implementation of brand development project category. We talk to Paulina Kuczyńska, Senior Presentation Designer at Admind, about the award-winning presentation template.

Why was the project a challenge? What were the starting point and goal of the project?

Paulina Kuczyńska: Creating a PowerPoint template that stands out from typical presentations requires a balance between creativity and functionality. The template must be visually appealing and engaging while also being easy to use and customizable for various types of content. Also, any changes made to the template must align with brand principles to maintain brand consistency in the brand’s messaging and brand identity.

This project started with an analysis of ABB’s existing brand guidelines and PowerPoint templates and research into best practices and trends in presentation design services. The goal was to develop a new template that incorporates the brand’s core visual elements while offering more flexibility and creativity in design.

Overall, this project required a deep understanding of both ABB’s brand identity and the principles of perfect presentation design, as well as a high level of creativity and problem-solving skills to reconcile these potentially conflicting requirements. In addition, an important aspect of creating the template was incorporating user feedback. Over several years of collaboration, we received feedback from users on what they liked and disliked in presentations, as well as their needs and preferences regarding design and functionality.

Taking this feedback into account and incorporating it into the new template was essential to ensure that it met the needs of its users and was well-received. This required the ability to listen actively, interpret user feedback, and integrate it into the design process to enhance the user experience and achieve the project’s goals.

Who worked on the project? What skills were key?

Paulina Kuczyńska: This project required the cooperation of a presentation designer, tester, copywriter, creative director, and brand manager. When creating a template, which is then used for different purposes and in different ways, it is tough to predict possible implementations introduced by users. Each element should have many uses to make any content look good. This is a task that requires creativity and knowledge about user experience. It is equally important to eliminate all possible errors because they will be present in all presentations in the company. Therefore the roles of the tester and copywriter were crucial.

Is there anything in particular that we have learned from this project?

Paulina Kuczyńska: This project has shown us how important it is to work closely with the clients and develop partner relationships that help identify their needs. I personally learned a lot about finding a reasonable solution to reconcile design with functionality. An important element contributing to the success of this project was the continuous design of the presentation based on the prepared template because it allowed us to see the problems that users have to deal with. Therefore, I would say that it is necessary to put yourself in the role of a user and use the developed product. Based on the value of prior knowledge of the brand and the client, it is better to design templates after some time of cooperation and not at the beginning. Thanks to this project, we know how to plan work on creating PPT templates, how to organize an effective process and how to test it.

How has the ABB group benefited from this project?

Paulina Kuczyńska: The fascination template improved brand consistency. By aligning with ABB’s brand principles and visual identity, the new template likely helped maintain a consistent look and feel across all ABB presentations, enhancing brand recognition and reinforcing its messaging. It also increased visual appeal. The new template was designed to be more visually engaging and attractive than previous templates, potentially helping to captivate and retain audiences’ attention during presentations. By incorporating user feedback and offering greater flexibility and functionality, the new template may have made it easier for ABB employees to create high-quality presentations quickly and efficiently, potentially improving overall productivity and reducing the time and resources needed to create presentations. Overall, the new PowerPoint template likely provided ABB with a more effective and efficient tool for creating engaging presentations that align with the company’s brand identity and messaging. This, in turn, may have helped improve the overall effectiveness of ABB’s communication efforts and enhance its reputation as a leading company.

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