Admind_Talks: Interview with Marta Synowiec, how to take care of your brand’s digital presence?

Author: Szymon Dyrlaga

4 min read

Admind_Talks: Interview with Marta Synowiec, how to take care of your brand’s digital presence?

At Admind, we have a special task force team responsible for a wide range of diverse online activities for our clients. Today the team leader, Marta Synowiec (Web Content Management), will tell you why digital presence is essential and how to take care of it. 

What does your team do daily? What are your superpowers?  

Marta Synowiec: We support our clients with different activities which aim to improve their digital presence and their performance on various digital channels. The core of our scope relates to website management. As a Web Content team, we either edit existing websites or build new ones through CMS (Content Management System) platforms. Some of these platforms are popular, like WordPress or Adobe Experience Manager. Some are solutions dedicated to a particular brand. In the second case, when starting to work with a client, we can quickly learn how to use a new system. 

The second pillar of our tasks is connected to the analytic part. We can prepare extensive reports of web traffic to make sure that all the effort put into building pages brings expected results. The team is also a centre of excellence for our leading client. We can conduct training on the use of digital tools or prepare web audits to maintain the highest possible quality of client digital presence. I and my teammates also educate other editors on web brand guidelines

Finally, we specialise in online tools. For example, we implement marketing automation for our clients, send newsletters for them, or manage digital events like webinars. We are also open to learning and exploring new software if needed.  

digital presence interview

What are your biggest challenges? 

Marta Synowiec: We can launch a new page or portal only when the whole content is appropriately prepared and approved. It means that our team is the last link in the process, which sometimes forces us to work under time pressure.  

Frequently, we must manage the content prepared in many different languages. Some of them are unknown to us. That’s why it is crucial to conduct a quality assurance session to ensure that the content is managed properly. 

What are the most significant benefits to a customer who uses your services? What problems do you solve?  

Marta Synowiec: Year by year, the whole world is shifting more and more towards digitalization. So, it is crucial to take care of the digital presence from the business perspective. Having a team of experts, like us, is beneficial to provide brand consistency in online activities. We take care of the web guidelines and make sure that the web-related knowledge is transferred correctly to the client’s community.  

One of the biggest benefits is that the team is a group of tech-savvy experts, always ready to enhance their skills or learn how to use new digital tools. That’s why we can tailor our skills and services to the clients’ needs.   

Why is brand consistency so important? Do you have any tips for the readers on maintaining the consistency of assets in a global company? 

Marta Synowiec: Brand consistency leads to better brand recognition. It increases the quality of digital presence, so it’s crucial in business. From our perspective, we can recommend creating one digital platform that serves as a touchpoint and source of brand principles, rules, guidelines, templates, and digital assets. That’s why brands should own a unique hub – Brand Portal – for all parties involved in brand development and end-users as well. 

Our team delivers comprehensive service to help companies choose or build effective digital platforms and implement them to enhance corporate identity communication. 

What are the basic tools you use? 

Marta Synowiec: The most important are Content Management Systems (CMS). Currently, we are mainly working on customized versions of Sitefinity and Adobe Experience Manager platforms. Additionally, we are trained with the usage of plenty of in-house clients’ tools. It is, for example, management of Bizzabo platform for organizing digital events. We usually use Google Analytics and Google Data Studio to pull out traffic data and prepare analytic reports. These are just some of the online tools we use every day. 

digital presence interview

What type of clients do you work with? 

Marta Synowiec: We work with corporate clients, usually with people from Communication departments, but not only. Currently, we support both Brand Management and Human Resources functions. The requests are sent to us from all over the world. 

Can you name any successful digital presence projects you have completed? What were their objectives, and what did you achieve? 

Marta Synowiec: Our team was involved in many different web projects, including big portals migration, so it is hard to name only one project. I think a recently launched global campaign is worth mentioning here. We worked on ABB‘s Power of Together campaign, demonstrating how collaboration and innovation enable ABB’s customers and operations to reduce carbon emissions and increase environmental impact. We have been tasked with creating a landing page as well as highlighting the four most important case studies in the most visually appealing way while at the same time making sure our client’s brand is well presented. 

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