Discovery Phase


Gain peace of mind and make informed decisions to fuel the success of your brand

Planning a rebranding means investing considerable resources in the process where the most valuable asset – your brand – is at stake. You need to be sure the steps you take will guarantee the efficient use of the resources and the success of your brand.

People listening during a meeting in the office
Group of people discussing a project together

To be sure that your brand is still relevant and distinctive in the constantly changing business reality, your decisions need to be based on facts and findings. That is why it is so crucial to have an in-depth understanding of your brand, its target audience, and the environment in which the brand lives. Admind’s Discovery Phase is designed to deliver just that and build the foundation for a successful project.

Why spend time & money
on brand discovery phase?


Minimize the risk & get peace of mind

Rebranding means investing your time and money, it is vital that you don’t make the mistake of going straight into a project without conducting all the necessary research. Insights collected during the research and discovery phase guarantee that you will spend your resources wisely. Ultimately, you won’t have to worry that the path you take will be the wrong one.


Make informed

Your brand is too important to base its development on guesswork. Having verified the information and facts allows you to act on them and make the right decisions. The insights and foundations derived from the discovery phase can last for many future brand decisions to come, and not just the immediate issue.


Keep your brand relevant

In a fast-paced and ever-changing world, what you know about your brand and its audience yesterday may no longer be accurate today. Possessing an up-to-date understanding of your target audience will guarantee your brand truly addresses their needs and resonates with them.


Keep your brand distinct

In a highly competitive environment, your brand should differentiate itself from your competitors: a competition audit gives us a thorough understanding of who you are competing with and makes it possible to choose the most effective means for your brand expression.


Get an objective perspective

We tend to slip into the same mindset regarding our brand on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook the changes in the market that are obvious to others. Having an unbiased partner during the discovery phase ensures that you will receive an objective diagnosis and an authentic audience-centered brand strategy.



Admind’s Discovery Phase can be scaled to meet your needs and budget. We take a targeted approach that will save you time and money.


Conscious Branding

At Admind, we specialize in conscious branding—creating and elevating brands to do good: to push beyond superficial promises and lead with transparency. We believe that global awareness, social responsibility, and environmental action are influence multipliers and all are necessary to achieve sustainable growth in today’s market.

We help our clients move beyond superficial promises, identify core values, build the right strategy, create a strong story, and communicate with beauty and clarity across all touchpoints. Whether it's print, digital, social, video, UI/UX, AR/VR, live events, or metaverse experiences, we can help craft compelling stories that will resonate with your audience.

How it works?

Admind’s Brand Discovery Phase combines market and brand research followed by a workshop(s) and interviews. We follow a standard structure as seen below, but each process is uniquely aligned to the objectives of the project to get the best results. Each Discovery Phase concludes with a report.



Participants: Admind team & Client
Let’s get to know each other. The goal of our first phone call is to discover what it is that you want to accomplish with your project and what makes your company special. We’ll be able to let you know whether our branding services are a good match!



Participants: Admind team
We start with an review of your brand and a competition review to see how they communicate visually and verbally and what your brand looks like against them.



Participants: Admind team & Client
To identify long-term objectives and internal and external influences within the brand, we need to get information about the business model, the brand’s stakeholders, target audience, and their needs. Also, we concentrate on your brand to understand its values and characteristics. We gather the information during the workshop with the client & their team

Online meeting Group-11215


Participants: Admind team
We conduct background research to learn about the intricacies of your industry and current trends influencing it.



Participants: Admind team & Client
This session normally will involve key stakeholders, such as the business owner, board members, and key marketing and salespeople, and will help us to define stakeholders’ needs and expectations. We gather the information during the workshop with the client & their team.



Participants: Admind team
We analyze the discoveries and insights and draw conclusions. We define the list of objectives for the project and recommendations for further steps. The report contains a carefully planned process and cost estimation.

What you get

All the discoveries and conclusions of the Discovery Phase,
you will be presented with the Discovery Phase
Report comprising of:

  • a description of stakeholders, the target audience, and personas
  • a prioritized list of user needs
  • input from stakeholders
  • a competitive audit
  • brand values description
  • analytical data showing how your current site is performing
  • a clear set of goals for the project
  • recommendations and a road map for goals achievement
  • a process plan and cost estimation for the next steps
discovery dark

It’s time to discover

The Brand Discovery Phase is an essential starting point before any branding decisions are to be taken – it minimizes the risk of committing costly mistakes and guarantees your brand stays relevant, creates a positive impact, and is ready to grow.

Bartłomiej  Witek

Bartłomiej Witek

Senior Brand Consultant

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Bartłomiej  Witek

Bartłomiej Witek

Senior Brand Consultant

200 Experts
6 Continents
5 Offices

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(+48) 12 265 51 45

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