Recap: “Creating a Brand in the Spirit of ESG” Webinar

Author: Olga Lany

2 min read

Recap: “Creating a Brand in the Spirit of ESG” Webinar

On March 26th, Admind hosted the enlightening webinar “Creating a Brand in the Spirit of ESG,” focused on the prestigious B Corp certification. We are thrilled to report that the event was met with great enthusiasm, attracting registration from 400 individuals keen on learning about sustainable and ethical business practices.

Of these, 200 participants were able to join the live session, engaging directly with the speakers and participating in the Q&A segment. The remaining registrants, unable to attend the live event, were not left out; they have been provided access to the recorded session, which is now available on our YouTube platform (in Polish). You can find the video below:

Among the participants were a diverse group of professionals including marketing managers, business leaders, and ESG specialists. This varied audience highlights the widespread interest and need for sustainable practices across different sectors and levels of management. The insights shared during the webinar were particularly relevant to these professionals, equipping them with the knowledge to spearhead ESG initiatives and integrate sustainability into their strategic outlook.

The webinar provided an in-depth exploration of the B Corp certification process, the challenges companies may face along the way, and the impactful solutions to overcome these hurdles. Led by industry experts who have successfully navigated the path to B Corp certification, the event was both informative and inspiring.

Our speakers included Monika Nachyła from Abris Capital Partners, who shared insights on promoting diversity and responsible management; Paweł Niziński, founder and CEO of Goodbrand/Better, who discussed strategic management of sustainable brands; and Mateusz Zabierowski, CEO and co-founder of Admind, who emphasized the importance of incorporating sustainable development ideas globally.

Maria Andrzejewska, an esteemed environmental expert, moderated the session, ensuring a smooth flow and engaging discussion. The panelists provided practical tips on implementing ESG reporting standards effectively and avoiding greenwashing, emphasizing the real-world application of these principles.

The importance of conscious brand transformation was a central theme, resonating deeply with our attendees. Encouraged by the positive response and the clear demand for more knowledge on this topic, we are already planning future events. These sessions will continue to focus on responsible business practices and how they can be integrated into corporate strategies and operations.

Stay tuned to our blog and upcoming announcements for more opportunities to engage with experts and like-minded professionals in our journey toward more sustainable and ethical business practices. Together, we can make a significant impact and drive change for a better world.

Thank you to all who joined us for this event, and we look forward to welcoming you to our future webinars.

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