Culture Book: Admind Rituals

Author: Monika Michno

4 min read

Culture Book: Admind Rituals

Admind is not only a company but also a community that we continue to build together with our families, friends, and former Adminders. That’s why our story was shaped by our rituals, values and our experiences together.

As we were growing, Admind rituals were shaped by our brand values, mission, vision, and our experiences together. We love to celebrate both our bigger and smaller mo­ments. Some of Admind’s events are cyclical while others are our spontaneous initiatives. Here you will find the list of the most common events that gather us together.

Good Morning Admind

We love rituals in Admind, that’s why Good Morning Admind (GMA) is definitely one of our favorite and most important meetings. It is or­ganized once a month in the form of a town hall. It’s a time when we share stories and we create the story of Admind. Adminders gather in offices or call in, and we share updates on our office, branding projects, and most recent achievements.

A typical meeting begins with the CEO’s announcements and then every office has time on the agenda to give updates on projects and events. It’s a great moment when we all get to meet at the same time.

The other great thing about GMA is that we used to gather (either before or after the meeting) in each office for a delicious breakfast. It’s when we just enjoy our company (and great food provided by Admind). Now, we change the formula and it’s during lunchtime.

admind rituals

Our events

From ordinary corporate events, through online meetings and com­pany trips, to large international conferences, we experience our professional journey together. Sharing this large part of our lives is part of our values, benefiting us as individuals and teams. We like to talk, exchange views and inspire each other. We also value spending time to­gether after work. And which event is the best in our opinion? The one you will be on.

admind rituals


Speaking of less formal events, we also celebrate every office’s anniversary. Every new office opened in a new country or on a new continent teaches us so much and helps us grow as a company. These celebrations are not only about the new of­fices themselves but about our Admind Team diversity and the chance we have to learn from one another in every possible way and on every possible level. You can find more about them in our culture book.

company rituals

Admind Yearly Meeting

A Yearly Meeting is definitely a celebration worth waiting for the entire year. It’s a unique event and a great chance for all Adminders to meet in Kraków.

For some of us, it’s the first time we meet each other in person. During these exciting rituals, the Admind Awards are presented, which is always a pleasant surprise since the categories and winners are kept a secret until the final announcement.

Not only is the event unforgettable but the entire week leading to it is amazing, with all Adminders meeting and getting to know each other in our Kraków’s headquarters! This whole week of integration and collaboration really brings us closer together.

brand rituals

Teams integration

In Admind, we are great believers in the adage, “All work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” As such, we have a dedicated integration budget to be spent twice a year/quarterly. We can spend it on any activity, not only traditional team meetups in a restaurant or cinema. Our teams often choose sports, e.g. indoor climbing, or creative workshops such as ceramics, forest in a jar, or making our own notebooks. We even visited an alpaca farm quite a few times!

admind integration

Want to get inspired? Download our Admind Culture Book.

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