We do it together
Collaborative effort brings about a unique sense of satisfaction and moves us towards engaging in even more social impact initiatives.
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B Impact Assessment

B Corp Certification is a designation that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials. We received the official title of Certified B Corporation with 89 points achieved in our impact assessment in five areas: Workers, Environment, Governance, Customers, Community.

Our services help our clients build a community based on shared values to increase their impact on the environment and society. We monitor customer satisfaction and share it both internally and publicly.
We publicly disclose financial and in-kind contributions to charitable organizations, advocay groups, and political parties. We have formal and regular processes to gather information from stakeholders. Beneficial ownership of the company is publicly available.
We have conducted a pay equity analysis by gender, race/ethnicity, or other demographic factors and implemented equal compensation improvement plans or policies. +50% of our company managers identify as women. We provide parents with convenient working conditions (more flexibility, extra days off)
We have policies regarding waste seperation and recycling, safe disposal of e-waste and hazardous waste. We encourage all Adminders to choose enviromentally preferred products and practices in employee virtual offices.
We are providing many health benefits to employees: life insurance, private supplemental health insurance, extension of health benefits to spouse and children, acces to local medical services, psychological care and more.
Get to know more about our B-Corp
Get to know more about our B-Corp
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Our services help our clients build a community based on shared values to increase their impact on the environment and society. We monitor customer satisfaction and share it both internally and publicly.
We publicly disclose financial and in-kind contributions to charitable organizations, advocay groups, and political parties. We have formal and regular processes to gather information from stakeholders. Beneficial ownership of the company is publicly available.
We have conducted a pay equity analysis by gender, race/ethnicity, or other demographic factors and implemented equal compensation improvement plans or policies. +50% of our company managers identify as women. We provide parents with convenient working conditions (more flexibility, extra days off)
We have policies regarding waste seperation and recycling, safe disposal of e-waste and hazardous waste. We encourage all Adminders to choose enviromentally preferred products and practices in employee virtual offices.
We are providing many health benefits to employees: life insurance, private supplemental health insurance, extension of health benefits to spouse and children, acces to local medical services, psychological care and more.
Get to know more about our B-Corp
Get to know more about our B-Corp
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We are happy to support:

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Our meaningful actions

FilmON is a Polish film festival for people with disabilities. The main idea of the festival is to encourage people with disabilities to express their emotions through film and to use this field of art in therapy. Since 2019, we have been supporting the organisers by preparing and implementing the visual identity, creating marketing materials and taking care of the communication of this noble festival. With each edition, we develop our collaboration in new areas, making the festival bigger, attracting more films and increasing its professionalism.
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DKMS- blood cancer awareness
DKMS is an organisation that raises awareness of blood cancers, registers bone marrow donors and supports cancer patients throughout their treatment. To support the fight against cancer in our communities, Admind ran an internal fundraising campaign in 2021 to register new donors and educate ourselves on how we can help others overcome this disease. Our Co-CEO accepted the diploma on behalf of our organisation and our ongoing partnership.
Admind DKMS
Connecting design community
As part of our commitment to create opportunity, connect with young designers, and provide enriching experiences for those in on our community, Admind hosted a series of workshops, lectures, and webinars featuring famous Polish artists and sustainability entrepreneurs.
Supporting Wisła Kraków Blind Football
In 2019, Admind proudly sponsored Wisła Kraków Blind Football, a team that exemplifies determination, skill, and the spirit of inclusivity in sports. By supporting this initiative, we aimed to promote the values of diversity and empowerment. Our sponsorship provided essential resources for the team, helping them to compete at higher levels and raise awareness about blind football.
AI for Changemakers Accelerator
We created a comprehensive visual identity for Tech To The Rescue's (TTTR) AI for Changemakers Accelerator programme. TTTR is a groundbreaking initiative that connects non-profit organisations with technology companies to drive positive change. By fostering these collaborations, TTTR empowers organisations in the areas of education, climate change, health and economic opportunity. This project highlighted the potential of AI in the nonprofit sector and showcased Admind's expertise in strategic design, creating meaningful connections between sectors.
Tree for Christmas
We believe that every decision has the power to make a positive impact. Over the festive season, we took a meaningful step by planting a 500m² forest of native Polish spruce. Each of our customers and partners became the proud owner of one of these trees, symbolizing our collective commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. As these trees take root and grow, they will provide oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and contribute to the overall wellbeing of our environment. We look forward to watching them grow.
Tree for Christmas
Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
Every year we actively participate in WOŚP (The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity), a spectacular Polish annual fundraising campaign in which thousands of people donate over €60 million each year. The campaign is dedicated to providing medical equipment to hospitals across Poland. Our committed employees poured their hearts and souls into the cause, raising funds and contributing handmade items and artwork for the charity auction. This initiative highlights our team's creativity and deep involvement in making a positive impact in our community, supporting WOŚP's mission to improve the quality of healthcare, especially for children and the elderly.
Admind WOSP 2023
Theme Month Series
At Admind, we foster an inclusive workplace through our Theme Month series, which focuses on issues that resonate with our employees and align with our CSR commitments. Each month we explore themes such as No Plastic, Pride, Declutter, B Corp and Mental Health Awareness. This initiative not only engages employees in meaningful conversations, but also drives positive change and strengthens our community. By addressing these issues, we are educating both our team and the wider market, encouraging a deeper understanding of important social and environmental concerns. Each month, a different designer from our talented team creates the poster and visual identity for the theme, showcasing our collective creativity and commitment.
Theme Months
Donation of DEI books to a local library
To celebrate Pride Month in 2023, our agency took a meaningful step by donating books on diversity and inclusion to the Krakow Library, addressing the lack of developed content on this topic in Poland. This initiative was included in the the Responsible Business Report and nominated for the Diversity Charter Award.
Donation of books
Educating for sustainability
As an active member of the B Corp community and beyond, we aim to raise awareness of conscious branding. Our aim is to educate the business and our team on how to approach branding with a focus on the environment, people and communities. We run workshops, webinars and talks that highlight the importance of integrating sustainability into business practices. By sharing insights and best practice, we help other organisations understand the importance of creating brands that have a positive impact on society and the planet.
Supporting the design community
As part of our commitment to creating opportunities, connecting with young designers and providing enriching experiences for those in our community, Admind hosts a series of workshops, lectures and webinars with famous Polish artists. We engage in various activities to support the industry and also organize the renowned Summer Internship Programme.
Supporting design community
Supporting Ukraine
Ukraine holds a special place in our hearts, with one of our offices in Odesa. Our employees were relocated to Poland in 2022. Since the start of the all-out war in Ukraine we have also organized many initiatives to support our employees during this time. We continue to stand in solidarity with our Ukrainian neighbors in their struggle for freedom, peace and unity.
Fostering hope for Ukraine

First of all – it is a commitment. But the one we believe in and implement with satisfaction. The B Corp movement is the perfect environment for businesses to go beyond the conventions of a corporation, join others who want to do good, and benefit as part of a community that advances the world for the good of all.

Certified B Corporation


We are providing many health benefits to employees: life insurance, private supplemental health insurance, extension of health benefits to spouse and children, access to local medical services, psychological care and more.


We have policies regarding waste seperation and recycling, safe disposal of e-waste and hazardous waste. We encourage all Adminders to choose enviromentally preferred products and practices in employee virtual offices.


We publicly disclose financial and in-kind contributions to charitable organizations, advocay groups, and political parties. We have formal and regular processes to gather infomration form stakeholders. Beneficial ownership of the company is publicly available.


Our services help our clients build a community based on shared values to increase their impact on the environment and society. We monitor customer satisfaction and shre it both internally and publicly.


We have conducted a pay equity analysis by gender, race/ethnicity, or other demographic factors and implemented equal compensation improvement plans or policies. +50% of our company managers identify as women. We provide parents with convenient working conditions (more flexibility, extra days off).

B Impact Assessment

We received the official title of Certified B Corporation with 89 points achieved in our impact assessment in five areas: Workers, Environment, Governance, Customers, Community.

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B impact
  • Krzysztof Langer

    What our B Corp status means for our team and clients? In short, the certificate’s meaning is that from now on we are formally committed to serve the best interests of people and our planet in the long run. It answers many ESG topics and proves that we fulfill strict rules of being a sustainable company. I can say that simply we are happy. This effort has put us in a much better place as a company. It opens a new chapter in Admind’s history. It is a reason to be proud of, and one more to continue on this route we took up towards conscious improvements in what we do, how we do it, and with whom.

    Krzysztof Langer
  • Mateusz Zabierowski

    The B Corp certificate is a confirmation that the company went through a rigorous assessment process and meets the highest standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. Again, I want to thank all our employees, especially those who were directly involved in this long procedure. Your engagement, work and attitude were crucial on the way to achieving this success. Still, there is a lot to do. We will be putting an effort to raise our standards in every area that makes us sustainable. As well, we work on strengthening our value proposition. We want B Corp standards to be beneficial for our customers.

    Mateusz Zabierowski

Conscious content

Don’t forget to read some of our conscious content.

Inclusive Communication

Why inclusive communication matters and how to use it in your everyday work?

Social impact

The time is now: Social Impact at Admind

Pride Month

Pride Month 2022 – how brands support LGBTQIA+ communities

See more content

Admind's ESG Report

We are excited to announce the publication of our first-ever ESG report. In a move to set new standards in transparency and responsibility, we have voluntarily developed this comprehensive document that highlights our commitments and progress in the areas of environmental and social responsibility, and ethical governance.

Let's talk

How can we help you?

I am Piotr Dáo, and my role at Admind is that of a Community Manager. My main focus is creating a positive social impact through our sustainable initiatives, pro bono projects, and client engagements. If you are seeking a partner to collaborate in this endeavor, please feel free to reach out to me. I'd be delighted to address any inquiries you may have about our Social Impact policy!

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